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Learn to make lace

Updated: May 25, 2018

Ever wanted to learn to make lace? Why wait?

From the first time I watched someone make lace I wanted to have a go. There was something magical about the rhythmic movement of the bobbins on the pillow.
bobbin lace bracelet
bobbin lace bracelet

Back in the 1980s many new lacemakers had come to craft through local authority evening classes however by the end of the decade these classes were losing their funding and finding teachers was becoming harder.

In 1988, I was lucky enough to find a teacher and started to learn to make lace in Willesden Telephone Exchange as part of a BT craft group.

I started to teach lace almost as soon as I had learnt it and love helping people learn to make lace.

I run regular classes where beginners can learn to make lace or existing lacemakers can meet for help, guidance or support. Start with a simple bookmark, move up to a bracelet and then on top a Christmas decoration. We supply everything you need for the class as part of the tuition fee including the findings for your bracelet.

Lacemaking is a wonderful craft. Come and find out why with etui coterie.

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